At Time to Talk we have extensive experience working with children with a varied range of speech and language difficulties including:


Language Delay

Delayed language is simply where the child is following the ‘normal’ pattern of language development


Delayed Speech

This is where the child has difficulty producing sounds (articulation or phonology).



The first signs of autism usually appear as developmental delays before the age of 3. Are you worried that your child is not meeting the developmental milestones?

Highly specialized and trained in a range of therapy approaches to best suit the development of your child's needs.

Based outside of Munster? Teletherapy is now available. Fun and interactive Speech & Language Therapy sessions from the comfort of our homes!

What to expect on my child's first appointment with Time To Talk Speech and Langauge Therapy?

Comprehensive Autism Diagnostic Assessments to families which are in line with international best practice guidelines. The assessment is completed by registered professionals - Clinical Pyschologist and Speech and Language Therapist.

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