Language Pyramid

The ability to communicate is central to all that we doThis pyramid shows the building blocks of language development. Children need to develop skills in each of the different areas…

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Know more about Minis mixed LEGO® is an incredibly popular toy with children all over the world. It is also a fantastic learning tool particularly for children with autism who…

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There are now more than one million learners in UK schools who speak English as an additional language (EAL). This represents a considerable proportion of the school population, well above…

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The terminology – What term should we use? Dysfluency? Stammering? Stuttering? Is there a difference? All therapists have different ways of working and with this they use different terms to…

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Communication bridge

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea at augue sensibus intellegebat. Ex usu dicat augue mundi, eos id volumus consetetur. Viderer iudicabit an mea. Ornatus volutpat eu nam, nam nulla utroque nonumes ne, vis alterum accumsan singulis no. Eius justo tempor pri ea. Recusabo percipitur efficiendi eu quo.

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